When the HIT starts, you will see a button says 'Click me to Start'.
After you click the button, a graph will show up, and stay on the screen for a while, then it will disappear.
Some questions will show up, please answer them according to what you read from the graph. The graph is like this:
Please scroll down to view the chart in full screen, make sure you can see the whole chart.


1. What are the ranges of x-axis and y-axis(e.g. 0-1000)?

2. Which device is the most expensive with Flappy Bird?

3. Any insight from this chart?

4. I understand this chart very well.

Strongly disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly agree

5. What is your viewing order when you read a static chart? eg. Start to read from x axis, y axis, legend and content. Please list them the following elements by your reading order (title=1, x-axis=2, y-axis=3, legend=4, content=5.). e.g. 13452

6. Please write down three (adjective) words that you think are most appropriate to describe the effectiveness of a chart